Raygain Technologies

Case Study


BHEL is Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited. BHEL is engaged in the design, engineering, manufacturing, construction, testing, commissioning and servicing of a wide range of products, systems and services for the core sectors of the economy, power, transmission, industry, transportation, renewable energy, oil & gas, and defense.

BHEL IMAGE Raygain Technologies

About Project

BHEL has contribution in various sectors for manufacturing, executing power projects, supply of propulsion equipment and controls to Indian railways ,providing water management solutions etc. Our clients requirement is maintenance of Cisco server for smooth workflow and streamlined operations .

Solution Overview:

Raygain is responsible for maintenance of server and our engineer maintains :

Hardware and Operating System

Servers depend on both hardware and operating systems to perform tasks. Together, they enable the server to handle workloads, manage resources.

Replacement of faulty equipment/faulty parts

Replacing faulty components promptly prevents data loss, reduces downtime, and maintains system stability. Proactive replacement can also save costs associated with sudden breakdowns and emergency repairs.

Health monitoring

Regular health checks monitor the server’s performance, detect issues early, and prevent failures. Continuous monitoring helps identify potential bottlenecks or failure points, allowing for pre-emptive action.

Hardware and Operating System Patch updates

Patching addresses vulnerabilities, improves compatibility, and enhances performance. Regular updates protecting data and infrastructure. OS patches also optimize system functionality.

Troubleshooting issues

Troubleshooting helps identify and resolve issues before they escalate, ensuring minimal disruption and bugs should be fixed timely keeping servers running smoothly and reliably.


Our Server maintenance service is crucial for managing operations, Server are important for storing data and proper functioning of systems. We provide Proper server maintenance to our client for protection of Applications and data and employees can easily access and analyze data.

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